Akademik Prof. Dr.
Svetislav Savović
Redovni Član
Svetislav Savović rođen je 03.09.1961. godine u Kragujevcu, Srbija. Na Univerzitetu u Kragijevcu, na PMF u Kragujevcu 1985. diplomirao je na osnovnim studijama fizike. U Beogradu je završio postdiplomske studije, odbranivši magistarsku tezu 1991. Doktorirao je na katedri fizike, na Prirodno-matematičkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Kragujevcu 1996.
Od 1997-2004 bio je asistent na PMF Univerziteta u Kragujevcu, vanredni profesor od 2004-2009, a u zvanje redovnog profesora izabran je 2009. godine. Trenutno je zaposlen kao profesor na Prirodno-matematičkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Kragujevcu.
Profesor Savović je rukovodilac naučno istraživačke grupe FORG (Fiber Optics Reserach Group) na Prirodno-matematičkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Kragujevcu. Od 2020. do 2023. godine, profesor Savović je tri godine radio kao naučni istraživač na Gradskom Univerzitetu u Hong Kongu i dva meseca kao gostujući profesor na Politehničkom Univerzitetu u Hong Kongu.
Recenzent je naučnih radova u preko 90 međunarodnih naučnih časopisa:
- Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group, UK)
- iScience (Cell Press, Elsevier)
- Results in Physics (Elsevier, EU)
- Journal of Lightwave Technology (OSA, USA)
- Optics Express (OSA, USA)
- Optics Letters (OSA, USA)
- Applied Optics (OSA, USA)
- Optics Communications (Elsevier, EU)
- Optics and Lasers in Engineering (Elsevier, EU)
- Optical Engineering (SPIE)
- Journal of Optics (IOP, UK)
- Journal of the Optical Society of America B (OSA, USA)
- Optics and Laser Technology (Elsevier, EU)
- Optical Fiber Technology (Elsevier, EU)
- Chinese Optics Letters (CLP, China and OSA, USA)
- Optical and Quantum Electrnics (Springer, EU)
- IET Optoelectronics (Wiley, USA)
- Heliyon (Elsevier, EU)
- Optik – International Journal for Light and Electron Optics (Elsevier, EU)
- Microwave and Optical Technology Letters (Wiley, USA)
- Infrared Physics and Technology (Elsevier, EU)
- Journal of Applied Physics (AIP, USA)
- Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer (Elsevier, EU)
- Radiation Measurements (Elsevier, EU) Applied Radiation and Isotopes (Elsevier, EU)
- IEEE Photonics Journal (IEEE)
- IEEE Sensors Journal (IEEE)
- IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics (IEEE)
- IEEE Photonics Technology Letters (IEEE)
- Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering (Taylor & Francis, UK)
- Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE, USA)
- Sensors and Actuators B (Elsevier, EU)
- Advances in Mechanical Engineering (SAGE, USA)
- SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing (SIAM, USA)
- Building and Environment (Elsevier, EU)
- Energy and Building (Elsevier, EU)
- Journal of Earth System Science (Springer, EU)
- Journal of Hydro-environment Research (Elsevier, EU)
- Hydrogeology Journal (Springer, EU)
- Water and Environmental Journal (Wiley, USA)
- Environmental Technology (Taylor & Francis, UK)
- Journal of Hydrology (Elsevier, EU)
- Water Supply (IWA Publishing, UK)
- Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier, EU)
- Optics (MDPI, Switzerland)
- Molecules (MDPI, Switzerland)
- Polymers (MDPI, Switzerland)
- Energies (MDPI, Switzerland)
- Metals (MDPI, Switzerland)
- Mathematics (MDPI, Switzerland)
- Applied Sciences (MDPI, Switzerland)
- Materials (MDPI, Switzerland)
- Crystals (MDPI, Switzerland)
- Fibers (MDPI, Switzerland)
- Coatings (MDPI, Switzerland)
- Sensors (MDPI, Switzerland)
- Photonics (MDPI, Switzerland)
- Micromachines (MDPI, Switzerland)
- Sustainability (MDPI, Switzerland)
- Hydrology (MDPI, Switzerland)
- Biosensors (MDPI, Switzerland)
- Electronics (MDPI, Switzerland)
- Axioms (MDPI, Switzerland)
- Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (MDPI, Switzerland)
- Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences (Tech Science Press, USA)
- Modeling Earth Systems and Environment (Elsevier, EU)
- Applied Mathematics and Computation (Elsevier, EU)
- AIMS Mathematics (AIMS Press, USA)
- Network and heterogeneous media (AIMS Press, USA)
- Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements (Elsevier, EU)
- Annals of Mathematics and Physics (Peertechz, USA)
- Acta Geophysica (De Gruyter Open, Poland)
- International Journal of Thermal Science (Elsevier, EU)
- Thermal Science (Vinca, Serbia)
- International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (Elsevier, EU)
- Numerical Heat Transfer B (Taylor & Francis, UK)
- Abstract and Applied Analysis (Hindawi Publishing Corporation)
- Journal of Mathematics (Hindawi Publishing Corporation)
- Journal of Difference Equations and Applications (Taylor & Francis, UK)
- Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics (PROMS) (Springer, EU)
- Facta Universitatis’Series Mathematics and Informatics (University of Niš, Serbia)
- Zeitschrift für Naturforschung-A Journal of Physical Sciences (De Gruyter, Germany)
- Current Research in Physiology (Elsevier, EU)
- Ikonion Journal of Mathematics (Nihat AKGÜNEŞ, Turkey)
- International Journal of Optics and Photonics Engineering (VIBGYOR ePress, UK)
- Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (Udine University, Italy)
- Al-Bahir Journal for Engineering and Pure Sciences (University of Alkafeel, Iraq)
- Journal of Medical Faculty (University of Kragujevac, Serbia)
- Kragujevac Journal of Science (University of Kragujevac, Serbia)
- Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (Elsevier, EU)
- Recent Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Bentham Science Publishers)
- Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (Wiley, USA)
- Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (Wiley, USA)
- Recent Patents on Materials Science (Bentham Science Publishers)
- Computers and Chemical Engineering (Elsevier, EU)
- Advances in Optical Technologies (Hindawi Publishing Corporation)
Prof. dr. Svetislav Savović učestvovao je na sljedećim konferencijama, radionicama i koledžima:
- 20-th International Conference on Plastic Optical Fibers, 14-16 September 2011, Bilbao, Spain
- 24-th International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids 31 August – 5 September 2008, Bologna, Italy
- POF Modelling Workshop, 24 – 28 June 2007, Nuremberg, Germany
- Winter College on Fibre Optics, Fibre Lasers and Sensors,15 – 22 February 2007, Trieste, Italy
- 23-rd International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids, 11 – 15 Sept. 2006, Beijing, China
- 22-nd International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids
- 23 – 27 August 2004, Barcelona, Spain
- 19-th International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids, 31 August – 4 September 1998, Besancon, France
- European Conference on Advances in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas, 8 – 12 July 1997, Thessaloniki, Greece
- XXXV International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, 3 – 8 February 1997, Bormio, Italy
- 18-th International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids, 1 – 5 Sept. 1996, Cairo, Egypt
- XXXIV International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics ,22 – 27 January 1996, Bormio, Italy
- 17-th International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids, 24 – 28 August 1994, Dubna, Russia
- Second International Conference on Dynamical Aspects of Nuclear Fission, 14 – 18 June 1993, Smolenice, Slovakia
Eksterni ispitivač doktorskih disertacija na Prirodno-matematičkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Tuzli, Univerzitetu Miškolcu, Medicinskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Kragujevcu, Prirodno-matematičkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Kosovskoj Mitrovici, City University of Hong Kong.
Gostujući profesor je bio na univerzitetima: Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, University of Applied Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, Polytechnic University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece, University of Poznan and University of Krakow, Poland.
Sažeti Bibliografski Podaci
Naučna istraživanja profesora Savovića su u oblasti fizike optičkih vlakana, kompjuterske fizike, nuklearne i radijacione fizike. Koautor je 138 radova u međunarodnim časopisima, 16 radova u domaćim časopisima, 32 rada je sopštio na međunarodnim kongresima i konferencijama, koji su štampani u zbornicima radova, 12 radova je saopštio na domaćim kongresima i konferencijama, koji su štampani u zbornicima radova.
Naučni radovi publikovani u međunarodnim časopisima
- Savovic, K. Aidinis, A. Djordjevich, R. Min, C. Chen, Investigation of the power flow in multimode graded-index microstructured polymer optical fibers using the Langevin equation (submitted for publication).
- Savovic, K. Aidinis, A. Djordjevich, R. Min, C. Chen, Theoretical investigation of space division multiplexing in multimode step-index plastic optical fibers (submitted for publication).
- Zeng, C. Chen, S. Savovic, C. Chen, M. D. Soltanig, M. Safari, H. Haas, Interference mitigation using optimized angle diversity receiver in LiFi cellular network (submitted for publication).
- Simovic, S. Savovic, B. Drljaca, M. S. Kovacevic, Lj. Kuzmanovic, A. Djordjevich, K. Aidinis, C. Chen, R. Min, Influence of wavelength on bandwidth in multimode graded-index microstructured polymer optical fibers (submitted for publication).
- Zhao, C. Chen, X. Zhong, H. Cao, M. Liu, B. Lin, S. Savovic, Enhancing OFDM with index modulation using heuristic geometric constellation shaping and generalized interleaving for underwater VLC, Optics Express, Vol. 32, 2024, 13720 (13pp)
- Simovic, S. Savovic, Z. Wang, B. Drljaca, M. S. Kovacevic, Lj. Kuzmanovic, A. Djordjevich, K. Aidinis, C. Chen, Wavelength dependent transmission in multimode graded-index microstructured polymer optical fibers, Frontiers in Physics, Vol. 12, 2024, 1340505 (6pp).
- Nie, C. Chen, S. Savovic, Z. Wang, R. Min, X. You, Z. Zeng, G. Shen, 0.5-bit/s/Hz fine-grained adaptive OFDM modulation for bandlimited underwater VLC, Optics Express, Vol. 32, 2024, 4537 (16 pp).
- B. Drljaca, S. Savovic, A. Simovic, M. S. Kovacevic, A. Djordjevich, Lj. Kuzmanovic, G. Yussupova, K. Aidinis, R. Min, Application of the power flow equation in modeling bandwidth in polymer optical fibers: A review, Optical and Quantum Electronics, Vol. 56, 2024, 547 (27 pp).
- Savovic, M. Ivanovic, R. Min, A Comparative study of the explicit finite difference method and physics-informed neural networks for solving the Burgers’ equation, Axioms, Vol. 12, No. 10, 2023, 982 (12 pp).
- Dai, S. Savovic, C. Zhao, R. Shao, R. Min, Theoretical and experimental investigation of the steady-state power distribution in multimode step-index plastic optical fibers, Optical Fiber Technology, Vol. 81, 2023, 103531 (4 pp).
- Savovic, K. Aidinis, A. Djordjevich, R. Min, Investigation of mode coupling in strained and unstrained step-index multimode POFs using the Langevin equation, Heliyon, Vol. 9, 2023, e18156 (6 pp).
- Savovic, A. Simovic, B. Drljaca, M. S. Kovacevic, Lj. Kuzmanovic, A. Djordjevich, M. Ivanovic, K. Aidinis, D. Tosi, R. Min, High bandwidth performance of multimode graded-index microstructured polymer optical fibers, Results in Physics, Vol. 50, 2023, 106548 (5 pp).
- Savovic, K. Aidinis, A. Djordjevich, R. Min, Investigation of space division multiplexing in multimode step-index silica photonic crystal fibers, Heliyon, Vol. 9, 2023, e15882 (7 pp).
- Savovic, A. Simovic, B. Drljaca, M. S. Kovacevic, Lj. Kuzmanovic, A. Djordjevich, K. Aidinis, R. Min, Power flow in multimode graded-index microstructured polymer optical fibers, Polymers, Vol. 15, 2023, 1474 (8pp).
- Drljaca, S. Savovic, M. S. Kovacevic, A. Simovic, Lj. Kuzmanovic, A. Djordjevich, K. Aidinis, G. Yussupova, R. Min, Investigation of bandwidth in multimode W-type microstructured plastic optical fibers, Optik, Vol. 271, 2022, 170207 (7 pp).
- Drljaca, S. Savovic, M. S. Kovacevic, A. Simovic, Lj. Kuzmanovic, A. Djordjevich, K. Aidinis, R. Min, Wavelength dependent equilibrium mode distribution and steady-state distribution in double cladding W-type microstructured polymer optical fibers, Results in Physics, Vol. 43, 2022, 106124 (6 pp).
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, K. Aidinis, R. Min, Influence of the width of launch beam distribution on the transmission performance of seven-core plastic-clad silica fibers, Photonics, Vol. 9. 2022, 645 (7 pp).
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, K. Aidinis, R. Min, Influence of launch beam distribution on power flow and angular division multiplexing in seven-core silica optical fibers, Frontiers in Physics, Vol. 10, 2022, 993738 (6pp).
- B. Drljaca, S. Savovic, M. S. Kovacevic, A. Simovic, Lj. Kuzmanovic, A. Djordjevich, R. Min, Transmission performance of multimode W-type microstructured polymer optical fibers, Optics Express, Vol. 30, 2022, 24667-24675.
- Kuang, Y. Ye, Z. Chen, R. He, I. Savovic, A. Djordjevich, S. Savovic, B. Ortega, C. Marques, X. Li, R. Min, Low-cost plastic optical fiber integrated with smartphone for human physiological monitoring, Optical Fiber Technology, Vol. 71, 2022, 102947 (10 pp).
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, B. Drljaca, A. Simovic, R. Min, Calculation of the mode coupling coefficient in step-index plastic optical fibers based on the far-field measurements, Frontiers in Physics, Vol. 10, 2022, 927907 (5 pp).
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, I. Savovic, R. Min, Mode coupling and steady-state distribution in step-index organic glass-clad PMMA fibers, Photonics, Vol. 9, 2022, 297 (7pp).
- Drljaca, S. Savovic, M. S. Kovacevic, A. Simovic, Lj. Kuzmanovic, A. Djordjevich, R. Min, Theoretical investigation of bandwidth of multimode step-index silica photonic crystal fibers, Photonics, Vol. 9, 2022, 214 (8 pp).
- Savovic, L. Li, I. Savovic, A. Djordjevich, R. Min, Treatment of mode coupling in step-index multimode microstructured polymer optical fibers by the Langevin equation, Polymers, Vol. 14, 2022, 1243 (7 pp).
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, I. Savovic, B. Drljaca, A. Simovic, R. Min, Theoretical investigation of the capacity of space division multiplexing with step-index air-clad silica optical fibers, Photonics, Vol. 9, 2022, 127 (7pp).
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, R. Min, Investigation of mode coupling in step-index air-clad silica optical fibers, Optical Fiber Technology, Vol. 70, 2022, 102872 (4 pp).
- Savovic, B. Drljaca, A. Djordjevich, A comparative study of two different finite difference methods for solving advection–diffusion reaction equation for modeling exponential traveling wave, Ricerche di Matematica, Vol. 71, 2022, pp. 245–252.
- Drljaca, S. Savovic, M. S. Kovacevic, A. Simovic, Lj. Kuzmanovic, A. Djordjevich, R. Min, Calculation of bandwidth of multimode step-index plastic photonic crystal fibers, Polymers, Vol. 13, 2021, 4218 (7 pp).
- Simovic, S. Savovic, B. Drljaca, A. Djordjevich, R. Min, Theoretical investigation of the influence of wavelength on the bandwidth in multimode W-type plastic optical fibers with graded index core distribution, Polymers, Vol. 13, 2021, 3973 (8 pp).
- L. Li, R. He, M. S. Soares, S. Savovic, X. Hu, C. Marques, R. Min, X. Li, Embedded FBG based sensor for joint movement monitoring, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 21, No. 23, 2021, pp. 26793-26798.
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, R. Min, I. Savovic, Investigation of performance properties of plastic optical fibers employed as a part of a traffic light system, Quantum Electronics, Vol. 51, No. 11, 2021, pp. 1026–1029.
- Savovic, M. S. Kovacevic, B. Drljaca, A. Simovic, Lj. Kuzmanovic, A. Djordjevich, Power flow in multimode step-index plastic photonic crystal fibers, Optik, Vol. 247, 2021, 167868 (9 pp).
- Simovic, A. Djordjevich, B. Drljaca, S. Savovic, R. Min, Investigation of bandwidth in multimode graded index plastic optical fibers, Optics Express, Vol. 29, 2021, pp. 29587-29594.
- Simovic, A. Djordjevich, B. Drljaca, S. Savovic, Wavelength dependent equilibrium mode distribution and steady state distribution in W-type plastic optical fibers with graded index core distribution, Optik, Vol. 246, 2021, 167775 (9 pp).
- Savovic, M. S. Kovacevic, A. Simovic, B. Drljaca, Lj. Kuzmanovic, A. Djordjevich, Method for investigation of mode coupling in multimode step-index silica photonic crystal fibers, Optik, Vol. 246, 2021, 167728 (7pp).
- Drljaca, A. Simovic, A. Djordjevich, R. Min, S. Jovanovic, S. Savovic, Influence of width of launch beam distribution and mode coupling on transmission characteristics of W type plastic optical fibers, Laser Physics, Vol. 31, 2021, 085104 (8pp).
- Simovic, A. Djordjevich, B. Drljaca, S. Savovic, Power flow in W-type plastic optical fibers with graded index core distribution, Optics and Laser Technology, Vol. 143, 2021, 107295 (6pp).
- Drljaca, A. Simovic, A. Djordjevich, S. Savovic, Influence of the wavelength on the bandwidth in W-type plastic optical fibers, Journal of Russian Laser Research, Vol. 42, No. 4, 2021, pp. 412-417.
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, Method for calculating coupling coefficient in W-type multimode optical fibers, Laser Physics, Vol. 31, 2021, 055102 (4pp).
- [P. Han, L. Li, H. Zhang, L. Guan, C. Marques, Savovic, B. Ortega, R. Min, X. Li, Low-cost plastic optical fiber sensor embedded in mattress for sleep performance monitoring, Optical Fiber Technology, Vol. 64, 2021, 102541 (8pp).
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, Observation of strong mode coupling in multimode step index silica optical fibers with fluorinated thermoplastic polymer cladding, Laser Physics, Vol. 31, 2021, 035103 (4pp).
- S. Savovic, A. Djordjevich, Langevin equation approach to mode coupling in heated step index plastic optical fibers, Journal of Russian Laser Research, Vol. 42, No. 2, 2021, pp. 154-160.
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, Investigation of mode coupling in graded index plastic optical fibers using the Langevin equation, Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 38, 2020, pp. 6644-6647.
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, A. Simovic, B. Drljaca, Influence of mode coupling on three spatially multiplexed channels in multimode graded index plastic optical fibers, Laser Physics, Vol. 30, 2020, 115102 (5pp).
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, Investigation of mode coupling in low and high NA step index plastic optical fibers using the Langevin equation, Journal of Modern Optics, Vol. 67, 2020, pp. 958-962.
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, A. Simovic, B. Drljaca, Spatial division multiplexing in nine-core graded index plastic optical fibers, Laser Physics, Vol. 30, 2020, 095103 (5pp).
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, I. Savovic, Theoretical investigation of bending loss in step-index plastic optical fibers, Optics Communications, Vol. 475, 2020, 126200 (4pp).
- Drljaca, A. Simovic, A. Djordjevich, S. Savovic, Influence of wavelength on equilibrium mode distribution and steady state distribution in W-type plastic optical fibers, Laser Physics, Vol. 30, 2020, 075101 (6pp).
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, Explicit finite difference solution for contaminant transport problems with constant and oscillating boundary conditions, Thermal Science, Vol. 24, No. 3B, 2020, pp. 2225-2231.
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, A. Simovic, B. Drljaca, Influence of mode coupling on angular division multiplexing in seven-core plastic optical fibers, Laser Physics, Vol. 30, 2020, 065103 (5pp).
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, Mode coupling in bent and twisted step-index plastic-clad silica fibers, Laser Physics Letters, Vol. 17, 2020, 035104 (6pp).
- Drljaca, A. Simovic, S. Savovic, A. Djordjevich, Influence of wavelength on bandwidth of W type plastic-clad silica optical fibers, Laser Physics, Vol. 30, 2020, 025103 (6pp).
- Drljaca, A. Simovic, A. Djordjevich, S. Savovic, Wavelength dependence of equilibrium mode distribution and steady state distribution in W-type plastic-clad silica fibers, Optical Fiber Technology, Vol. 54, 2020, 102777 (5pp).
- Savovic, A. Simovic, B. Drljaca, A. Djordjevich, G. Stepniak, C. A. Bunge, J. Bajic, Power flow in graded index plastic optical fibers, Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 37, 2019, pp. 4985-4990.
- S. Savovic, A. Djordjevich, A. Simovic, B. Drljaca, A transmission length limit for
- space division multiplexing in step-index silica optical fibers, Journal of Modern Optics, Vol. 66, 2019, pp. 1695-1700.
- Kuzmanovic, A. Simovic, M. S. Kovacevic, S. Savovic, A. Djordjevich, Controlling the attenuation of leaky modes in multimode W-type photonic crystal fibers in the infrared wavelength domain, Laser Physics Letters, Vol. 16, 2019, 095103 (8pp).
- Simovic, S. Savovic, B. Drljaca, A. Djordjevich, Controlling the bandwidth of W type plastic-clad silica optical fibers, Laser Physics Letters, Vol. 16, 2019, 085106 (7pp).
- Simovic, S. Savovic, B. Drljaca, A. Djordjevich, Enhanced bandwidth of W type plastic optical fibers designed from single clad step index plastic optical fibers, Optics and Laser Technology, Vol. 111, 2019, pp. 629-634.
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, Mode coupling and its influence on space division multiplexing in step-index plastic-clad silica fibers, Optical Fiber Technology, Vol. 46, 2018, pp.192-197.
- Savovic, S. Savovic, B. Drljaca, A. Djordjevich, Enhancement of the bandwidth of W-type glass optical fibers in the infrared wavelength region, Optical Fiber Technology, Vol. 45, 2018, pp. 325-329.
- S. Kovacevic, Lj. Kuzmanovic, A. Simovic, S. Savovic, B. Drljaca, A. Djordjevich, Calculation of the bandwidth of multimode W-type photonic crystal fibers by time-dependent power flow equation, Optics Communications, Vol. 427, 2018, pp. 348-353.
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, A. Simovic, B. Drljaca, Influence of mode coupling on three, four and five spatially multiplexed channels in multimode step-index plastic optical fibers, Optics and Laser Technology, Vol. 106, 2018, pp.18-21.
- Djordjevich, A. Simovic, S. Savovic, B. Drljaca, Wavelength dependence of leaky mode losses and steady state distribution in W-type glass optical fibers, Optics Communications, Vol. 419, 2018, pp. 1-7.
- He, Wing-Kin E. Chan, X. Cheng, Ming-Leung V. Tse, C. Lu, Ping-Kong A. Wai, S. Savovic, Hwa-Yaw Tam, Experimental and theoretical investigation of coherent polymer optical fiber random laser, Advanced Optical Materials, Vol. 6, No. 7, 2018, pp. 1701187 (1-9).
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, New method for calculating the coupling coefficient in graded index optical fibers, Optics and Laser Technology, Vol. 101, 2018, pp. 223-226.
- S. Savovic, A. Djordjevich, Mode coupling in multimode step-index plastic- clad silica fibers with corrugated surfaces, Optics and Laser Technology, Vol. 97, 2017, pp. 400-404.
- S. Kovacevic, Lj. Kuzmanovic, A. Simovic, S. Savovic, A. Djordjevich, Transients of modal-power distribution in multimode solid core W-type photonic crystal fibers, Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 35, No. 20, 2017, pp. 4352-4357.
- Djordjevich, S. Savovic, Finite difference solution of two-dimensional solute transport with periodic flow in homogenous porous media, Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, Vol. 65, No. 4, 2017, pp. 426-432.
- Ivanovic, M. Svicevic, S. Savovic, Numerical solution of Stefan problem with variable space grid method based on mixed finite element/finite difference approach, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 27, No. 12, 2017, pp. 2682-2695.
- Djordjevich, S. Savovic, Mode coupling in GeO2 doped silica-clad optical fiber, Optics and Laser Technology, Vol. 89, 2017, pp. 192-195.
- Ristic, M. Andjelkovic, S. Savovic, The isochronal annealing of irradiated n- channel power VDMOSFETs, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, Vol. 366, 2016, pp. 171-178.
- Djordjevich, S. Savovic, Mode coupling in glass optical fibers and liquid-core optical fibers by three methods, Optics and Laser Technology, Vol. 75, 2015, pp. 29-33.
- Savovic, M. S. Kovacevic, J. S. Bajic, D. Z. Stupar, A. Djordjevich, M. Zivanov, B. Drljaca, A. Simovic, K. Oh, Temperature dependence of mode coupling in low-NA plastic optical fibers, Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 33, No. 1, 2015, pp. 89- 94.
- Simovic, S. Savovic, B. Drljaca, A. Djordjevich, Influence of the fiber design and launch beam on transmission characteristics of W-type optical fibers, Optics and Laser Technology, Vol. 68, 2015, pp. 151-159.
- Savovic, B. Drljaca, M. S. Kovacevic, A. Djordjevich, J. S. Bajic, D. Z. Stupar, G. Stepniak, Frequency response and bandwidth in low NA step index plastic optical fibers, Applied Optics, Vol. 53, No. 30, 2014, pp. 6999-7003.
- Savovic, M. S. Kovacevic, A. Djordjevich, J. S. Bajic, D. Z. Stupar, G. Stepniak, Mode coupling in low NA plastic optical fibers, Optics and Laser Technology, Vol. 60, 2014, pp. 85-89.
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, Mode coupling in plastic-clad silica fibers and organic glass-clad PMMA fibers, Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 32, No. 7, 2014, pp. 1290-1294.
- Simovic, S. Savovic, B. Drljaca, A. Djordjevich, Influence of intermediate layer on transmission characteristics of W-type optical fibers, Optics and Laser Technology, Vol. 57, 2014, pp. 209-215.
- M. S. Kovacevic, A. Djordjevich, S. Savovic, J. S. Bajic, D. Z. Stupar, M. P.Slankamenac, M. Kovacevic, Measurement of 60Co gamma radiation induced attenuation in multimode step-index POF at 530 nm, Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2013, pp. 158-162.
- Djordjevich S. Savovic, Solute transport with longitudinal and transverse diffusion in temporally and spatially dependent flow from a pulse type source, Intenational Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 65, 2013, pp. 321-326.
- Savovic, B. Drljaca, A. Djordjevich, Influence of launch beam distribution on bandwidth in step index plastic optical fibers, Applied Optics, Vol. 52, No. 6, 2013, pp. 1117-1121.
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, Numerical solution for temporally and spatially dependent solute dispersion of pulse type input concentration in semi-infinite media, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 60, 2013, pp. 291-295.
- Savovic, A. Simovic, A. Djordjevich, Influence of width of launch beam distribution on equilibrium mode distribution in W-type glass optical fibers, Optics and Laser Technology, Vol. 48, 2013, pp. 565-569.
- Kovacevic, S. Savovic, A. Djordjevich, J Bajic, D. Stupar, M. Kovacevic, S. Simic, Measurements of growth and decay of radiation induced attenuation during the irradiation and recovery of plastic optical fibres, Optics and Laser Technology, Vol. 47, 2013, pp. 148-151.
- Simovic, A. Djordjevich, S. Savovic, Influence of depth of intermediate layer on optical power distribution in W-type optical fibers, Applied Optics, Vol. 51, No. 20, 2012, pp. 4896-4901.
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, Finite difference solution of the one-dimensional advection-diffusion equation with variable coefficients in semi-infinite media, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 55, No. 15-16, 2012, pp. 4291- 4294.
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, Finite difference solution of the diffusion equation describing the response and recovery of thin film semiconductor gas sensor, Sensors and Actuators B, Vol. 166-167, 2012, pp. 200-204.
- Drljaca, S. Savovic, A. Djordjevich, Calculation of the frequency response and bandwidth of step-index plastic optical fibres using the time-dependent power flow equation, Physica Scripta, Vol. T149, 2012, 014028 (4pp).
- Drljaca, A. Djordjevich, S. Savovic, Frequency response in step-index plastic optical fibers obtained by numerical solution of the time-dependent power flow equation, Optics and Laser Technology, Vol. 44, No. 6, 2012, pp. 1808-1812.
- S. Savovic, A. Simovic, A. Djordjevich, Explicit finite difference solution of the
- power flow equation in W-type optical fibers, Optics and Laser Technology, Vol. 44, No. 6, 2012, pp. 1786-1790.
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, Influence of the angle-dependence of mode coupling on optical power distribution in step-index plastic optical fibers, Optics and Laser Technology, Vol. 44, No. 1, 2012, pp. 180-184.
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, G. Ristic, Numerical solution of the transport equation describing the radon transport from subsurface soil to buildings, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol. 150, No. 2, 2012, pp. 213-216.
- Savovic, Z. Todorovic, A. Djordjevich, S. Jokic, On the determination of time-scale of three-fragment emission in the 12.7 GeV 4He+238U reaction using polycarbonate track detector Makrofol, Physica Scripta, Vol. 84, 2011, 055201 (6pp).
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, A. Simovic, B. Drljaca, Equilibrium mode distribution and steady-state distribution in 100-400 μm core step-index silica optical fibers, Applied Optics, Vol. 50, No. 21, 2011, pp. 4170-4173.
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, Mode coupling in chalcogenide-glass optical fibers, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 49, No. 7, 2011, pp.855-858.
- Drljaca, S. Savovic, A. Djordjevich, Calculation of the frequency response of step-index plastic optical fibers using the time-dependent power flow equation, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 49, No. 5, 2011, pp. 618-622.
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, S. Jokic, E. U. Khan, Mass transfer during the prefission step in the 17.0 MeV/u 132Xe+238U interaction, Physics of Atomic Nuclei, Vol. 74, No. 5, 2011, pp. 701-705.
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, P. W. Tse, D. Krstic, Radon diffusion in an anhydrous andesitic melt: A finite difference solution, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Vol. 102, 2011, pp. 103-106.
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, P. W. Tse, D. Nikezic, Explicit finite difference solution of the diffusion equation describing the flow of radon through soil, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Vol. 69, 2011, pp. 237-240.
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, P. W. Tse, J. Zubia, J. Mateo, M. A. Losada, Determination of the width of the output angular power distribution in step index multimode optical fibers, Journal of Optics, Vol. 12, No. 11, 2010, 115405, 5pp.
- Djordjevich, S. Savovic, P. W. Tse, B. Drljaca, A. Simovic, Mode coupling in strained and unstrained step-index glass optical fibers, Applied Optics, Vol. 49, No. 27, 2010, pp.5076-5080.
- S. Savovic, A. Djordjevich, S. Jokic, Monte-Carlo simulation for determining
- geometrical efficiency of a multidetector system for heavy ion reaction products, Measurement Science and Technology, Vol. 21, No. 8, 2010, 087002, 3pp.
- Savovic, J. Caldwell, Numerical solution of Stefan problem with time- dependent boundary conditions by variable space grid method, Thermal Science, Vol. 13, No. 4, 2009, pp. 165-174.
- Savovic, Z. Todorovic, A. Djordjevich, B. Grabez, Time-scale analysis of three-fragment emission in the 12.7 GeV 4He+197Au reaction, Radiation Measurements, Vol. 44, No. 9-10, 2009, pp. 874-877.
- Nikezic, D. Krstic, S. Savovic, Response of diffusion chamber with LR115 and electret to radon and progeny, Radiation Measurements, Vol. 44, No. 9-10, 2009, pp. 783-786.
- Drljaca, S. Savovic, A. Djordjevich, Calculation of the impulse response of step-index plastic optical fibers using the time-dependent power flow equation, Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol. 116, No. 4, 2009, pp. 658-660.
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, B. Drljaca, A. Simovic, Equilibrium mode distribution and steady state distribution in step index glass optical fibers, Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol. 116, No. 4, 2009, pp. 655-657.
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, B. Drljaca, M. Kovacevic, Comparison of methods for calculating coupling length in step-index optical fibers, Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol. 116, No. 4, 2009, pp. 652-654.
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, Calculation of the coupling coefficient in step- index glass optical fibers, Applied Optics, Vol. 48, No. 22, 2009, pp. 4496-4500.
- Djordjevich, S. Savovic, Coupling length as an algebraic function of the coupling coefficient in step index plastic optical fibers, Optical Engineering, Vol. 47, No. 12, 2008, pp. 125001(1-6).
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, Calculation of the coupling coefficient in strained step index plastic optical fibers, Applied Optics, Vol. 47, No. 28, 2008, pp. 4935- 4939.
- Nikezic, N. Stevanovic, D. Kostic, S. Savovic, K.C.C. Tse, K. N. Yu, Solving the track wall equation by the finite difference method, Radiation Measurements, Vol. 43, Suppl. 1, 2008, pp. S76-S78.
- Todorovic, S. Savovic, A. Djordjevich, Production of ternary events in 4He+U, Bi and Au reactions at 8.8 GeV, Radiation Measurements, Vol. 43, Suppl. 1, 2008, pp. S179-S183.
- S. Savovic, A. Djordjevich, Influence of initial dopant distribution in fiber core on refractive index distribution of thermally expanded core fibers, Optical Materials,Vol . 30, No. 9, 2008, pp. 1427-1431.
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, Numerical solution of diffusion equation describing the flow of radon through concrete, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Vol. 66, No. 4, 2008, pp. 552-55.
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, Method for calculating the coupling coefficient in step index optical fibers, Applied Optics Vol. 46, No. 9, 2007, pp. 1477-1481.
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, Mode coupling in strained and unstrained step- index plastic optical fibers, Applied Optics, Vol. 45, No. 26, 2006, pp. 6775-6780.
- Djordjevich, S. Savovic, Designing graded-index plastic optical fibers from two-step-core fibers by thermal diffusion of dopants, Optical Engineering, Vol. 44, No. 9, 2005, pp. 095003-1-095003-4.
- Todorovic, S. Savovic, A. Djordjevich, M. Tanasijevic, Production of heavy fragments in the fission mass region in 12C+U, Bi, Au and Ag reactions at 26.5 GeV, Radiation Measurements, Vol. 40, 2005, pp. 470-474.
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, Influence of numerical aperture on mode coupling in step index plastic optical fibers, Applied Optics, Vol. 43, No. 29, 2004, pp. 5542- 5546.
- Djordjevich, S. Savovic, Numerical solution of the power flow equation in step index plastic optical fibers, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, Vol. 21, No. 8, 2004, pp. 1437-1442.
- Savovic, J. Caldwell, Finite difference solution of one-dimensional Stefan problem with periodic boundary conditions, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 46, No. 15, 2003, pp. 2911-2916.
- Caldwell, S. Savovic, Y. Y. Kwan, Nodal integral and finite difference solution of one-dimensional Stefan problem, Journal of Heat Transfer-Transactions of the ASME, Vol. 125, No. 3, 2003, pp. 523-527.
- Todorovic, A. Djordjevich, S. Savovic, Measurement of cross sections of heavy fragments formed in the interaction of 0.65-12.7 GeV 4He with 209Bi, Acta Physica Polonica B, Vol. 34, No. 8, 2003, pp. 4205-4218.
- Todorovic, B. Grabez, S. Savovic, S. Jokic, Heavy fragment production in 4He+ 232Th reactions at 0.65-12.7 GeV, Radiation Measurements, Vol. 36, No. 1-6, 2003, pp. 313-316.
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, Optical power flow in plastic-clad silica fibers, Applied Optics, Vol. 41, No. 36, 2002, pp. 7588-7591.
- S. Savovic, A. Djordjevich, Solution of mode coupling in step index optical fibers by Fokker-Planck equation and Langevin equation, Applied Optics, Vol. 41, No. 15, 2002, pp. 2826-2830.
- Todorovic, S. Savovic, S. Jokic, B. Grabez, Fission of Pb in the 4He induced reactions at 0.65-12.7 GeV, Radiation Measurements, Vol. 34, No. 1-6, 2001, pp. 231- 235.
- Djordjevich, S. Savovic, Investigation of mode coupling in step index plastic optical fibers using the power flow equation, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 12, No. 11, 2000, pp. 1489-1491.
- G. d'Enterria, F. Fernandez, S. Jokic, S. Savovic, Ternary events measured with CR-39 in the 238U+197Au reaction at 15 MeV/nucleon, Radiation Measurements, Vol. 31, No. 1-6, 1999, pp. 527-532.
- Jokic, D. Vorkapic, B. Ivanisevic, A. Kelic, Z. Todorovic, S. Savovic, B. Botchev, M. Zamani, F. Fernandez, Letter of intent: Investigation of the fission before K-equilibration, Nukleonika, Vol. 43, No. 3, 1998, pp. 275-280.
- [1. 132] Z. Todorovic, Savovic, S. Jokic, Production of fragments with Z≥8 in interaction of 12.7 GeV 4He+U, Pb, Au and Ag: track detector study, European Physical Journal A2, 1998, pp. 295-300.
- Todorovic, S. Savovic, S. Jokic, Interaction of 12.7 GeV 4He ions with U, Pb, Au and Ag targets, Radiation Measurements, Vol. 28, Nos. 1-6, 1997, pp. 291-296.
- Todorovic, S. Savovic, S. Jokic, Production of fragments in 4He+197Au reaction at 12.7 GeV, Radiation Measurements, Vol. 25, Nos. 1-4, 1995, pp. 257-260.
- Nikezic, D. Kostic, D. Krstic, S. Savovic, Sensitivity of radon measurements with CR-39 track etch detector – A Monte Carlo study, Radiation Measurements, Vol. 25, Nos. 1-4, 1995, pp. 647-648.
- Cabric, T. Pavlovic, S. Savovic, A simple programming of the crystallization rate from the melt, Crystal Research and Technology, Vol. 29, No. 7, 1994, pp. 96-97.
- Cabric, T. Pavlovic, S. Savovic, Crystallization of BaNi2(PO4)2 in a chamber furnace, Crystal Research and Technology, Vol. 28, No. 6, 1993, pp. 54-56.
- M. Debeauvais, J. Ralarosy, J. C. Adloff, M. Zamani, F. Fernandez, S. Savovic, S. Jokic, Application of SSNTD in nuclear physics and especially to the reaction 238U+Ag at 15 MeV/n, Radiation Measurements, Vol. 22, Nos. 1-4, 1993, pp. 571-576.
Naučni radovi sopšteni na međunarodnim kongresima i konferencijama, štampani u zbornicima radova
- Drljaca, S. Savovic, M. S. Kovacevic, A. Simovic, Lj. Kuzmanovic, A. Djordjevich, G. Yussupova, Modeling of power flow in multimode W-type photonic crystal fibers, In the Proceedings of the International Scientific and Technical Conference on Energy, Info-communication Technologies and Higher Education, Oct 20-21, 2022, Almaty, Kazan, pp. 349-255.
- Simovic, S. Savovic, A. Djordjevich, A. Janicijevic, B. Drljaca, Wavelength dependence of leaky mode losses and steady state distribution in glass W fibers, In the Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific Conference Contemporary Materials, September 2-3, 2018, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska.
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, A. Janicijevic, Mode coupling in step-index plastic-clad silica optical fibers with chemically etched fiber section, In the Proceedings of the 10th International Scientific Conference Contemporary Materials, November 9-10, 2017, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska.
- Drljaca, S. Savovic, A. Janicijevic, S. Jovanovic, Frequency response and bandwidth of low-numerical aperture step-index plastic optical fiber obtained by solving the time-dependent power flow equation, In the Proceedings of the 10th International Scientific Conference Contemporary Materials, Nov. 9-10, 2017, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska.
- Janicijevic, S. Savovic, A. Djordjevich, Numerical solution of two-dimensional advection-diffusion equation in homogenous and porous media, In the Proceedings of the 9th International Scientific Conference Contemporary Materials, September 4-5, 2016, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska.
- Savovic, M. S. Kovacevic, J. S. Bajic, D. Z. Stupar, A. Djordjevich, M. Zivanov, B. Drljaca, A. Simovic, K. Oh, Temperature dependence of mode coupling in low-NA plastic optical fibers. In the Proceedings of the 3th International POF Modeling Workshop, September 21, 2015, Nuremberg, Germany.
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, A. Janicijevic, Investigation of mode coupling in glass optical fibers and liquid-core optical fibers, In the Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific Conference Contemporary Materials, September 7, 2015, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska.
- Janicijevic, S. Savovic, A. Djordjevich, Numerical solution of the diffusion equation for oxygen diffusion in soil, In the Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific Conference Contemporary Materials, September 7, 2015, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska.
- A. Janicijevic, S. Savovic, A. Djordjevich, A. Simovic, B. Drljaca, Numerical solution of the diffusion equation for binary gas mixtures, In the Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific Conference on Contemporary Materials, December 21-22, 2014, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska.
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, A. Simovic, B. Drljaca, A. Janicijevic, Numerical solution of the advection-diffusion equation with constant and periodic boundary conditions, In the Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific Conference on Contemporary Materials, December 21-22, 2014, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska.
- Drljaca, S. Savovic, S. Kuzmanovic, Explicit finite difference method for solving power flow equation with applications in fiber optics modeling, In the Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on Mathematics and Informatics Technologies, September 5-9, 2013, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia.
- Savovic, A. Simovic, A. Djordjevich, A. Janicijevic, Equilibrium mode distribution in W-type glass optical fibers, In the Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific Conference on Contemporary Materials, July 4-6, 2013, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska.
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, A. Simovic, B. Drljaca, A. Janicijevic, Mode coupling in large core step-index silica optical fibers, In the Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific Conference on Contemporary Materials, July 4-6, 2013, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska.
- Janicijevic, S. Savovic, S. Kocinac, M. Sreckovic, M. Davidovic, B. Cabric, A. Maricic, Stefan problem as specific crystal growth analysis, In the Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Conference on Contemporary Materials, July 5-7, 2012, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska.
- Savovic, B. Drljaca, A. Djordjevich, Frequency response in step-index plastic optical fibers obtained by numerical solution of the time-dependent power flow equation, In the Proceedings of the 20-th International Conference on Plastic Optical Fibers, September 14-16, 2011, Bilbao, Spain, pp. 583-588.
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, A. Janicijevic, B. Drljaca, A. Simovic, Modeling the bend-induced loss in polymethylmetacrylate step-index plastic optical fibers, In the Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on Contemporary Materials, July 1-2, 2011, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, pp. 123-130.
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, Power flow equation, In the Proceedings of the POF Modelling Workshop, June 24-28, 2007, Nuremberg, Germany, pp. 99-109 (Editors: C.-A. Bunge, H. Poisel).
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, Numerical analysis of thermal diffusion of dopants in multi-step-core optical fibers, In the Proceedings of the First South-East European Conference on Computational Mechanics SEECCM-06, June 29-30, 2006, Kragujevac, Serbia, pp. 388-392 (Editors: M. Kojic and M. Papadrakakis).
- Z. Todorovic, S. Savovic, M. Tanasijevic, Fission of U, Bi, Au and Ag in the 12C induced reactions at 26.5 GeV, In the Proceedings of the 5-th General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, August 25-29 2003, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia and Montenegro, pp. 57-62 (Editors: S. Jokic, I. Milosevic, A. Balaz and Z. Nikolic).
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, Mode coupling in step index optical fibers, In the Proceedings of the 5-th General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, August 25- 29 2003, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia and Montenegro, pp. 923-928 (Editors: S. Jokic, I. Milosevic, A. Balaz and Z. Nikolic).
- Savovic, J. Caldwell, Finite difference solution of one-dimensional Stefan problem with periodic boundary conditions, In the Proceedings of the 5-th General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, August 25-29, 2003, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia and Montenegro, pp. 1307-1312 (Editors: S. Jokic, I. Milosevic, A. Balaz and Z. Nikolic).
- Todorovic, S. Savovic, S. Jokic, Time-scale analysis for multifragment emission in 12.7 GeV 4He + 197Au reaction, In the Proceedings of the 4-th International Yugoslav Nuclear Society Conference (YUNSC-2002), September 30- October 4 2002, Belgrade, Yugoslavia.
- Todorovic, S. Savovic, S. Jokic, Intermediate-mass fragment production in the 8.3 GeV 2H+Au reaction, In the Proceedings of the 3-th International Yugoslav Nuclear Society Conference (YUNSC-2000), October 2-5 2000, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, pp. 445-450.
- Todorovic, S. Savovic. S. Jokic, Fission of Au induced by 4He ions at 0.65-12.7 GeV, In the Proceedings of the European Conference on Advances in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas, Thessaloniki, Greece, July 8-12 1997, pp. 659-663 (Editors: D. M. Brink, M. E. Grypos, S. E. Massen).
- Todorovic, S. Savovic, S. Jokic, Study of 4He+238U interaction at 0.65-8.8 GeV, In the Proceedings of the XXXV International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, February 3-8 1997, Bormio, Italy, pp. 517-526 (Editor I. Iori).
- Todorovic, S. Savovic, S. Jokic, B. Ivanisevic, Fission of U, Pb, Au and Ag induced by 12.7 GeV 4He ions, In the Proceedings of the 3-th International Conference on Dynamical Aspects of Nuclear Fission, August 30-September 4, 1996, Casta-Papiernicka, Slovak Republic, pp. 202-207 (Editors: J. Kliman, B.I. Pustylnik).
- Todorovic, S. Savovic, S. Jokic, Analysis of the production of fragments Z≥8 in 12.7 GeV 4He+197Au, 238U reactions, In the Proceedings of the XXXIV International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Bormio, Italy, Jan. 22-27, 1996, pp. 189-198 (Editor I. Iori).
- Savovic, S. Jokic, Z. Todorovic, M. Zamani, D. Sampsonidis, M. Debeauvais, J. Ralarosy, F. Fernandez, The Treatment of (15 MeV/u) 238U+Ag reaction by Fokker-Planck equation, In the Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Dynamical Aspects of Nuclear Fission, June 14-18, 1993, Smolenice, Slovakia, pp. 281- 284 (Editors: J. Kristiak, B. I. Pustylnik, JINR, Dubna, 1994.)
- Jokic, S. Savovic, Z. Todorovic, M. Zamani, Application of Fokker-Planck equation to system 238U+Ag at 15 MeV/n with 4- and 5-fragments in exit channel, In the Proceedings of the 1-st General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, September 26-28, 1991, Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. 207-209.
- Jokic, S. Savovic, Z. Todorovic, Application of Fokker-Planck Equation to system 238U+Ag at 15 MeV/n with 5-Fragments in exit channel, In the Proceedings of the 7-th Adriatic International Conference on Nuclear Physics, Brioni, Yugoslavia, May 27-June 1, 1991, pp. 45-46 (Editors: R. Caplar, N. Cindro, A. Galimann, Zagreb- Strasbourg, May 1991).
- Debeauvais, J. C. Adloff, J. Ralarosy, S. Jokic, S. Savovic, Z. Todorovic, M. Zamani, F. Fernandez, Correlation of three fragment processes with impact parameter in U+Ag at 15 MeV/n, In the Proceedings of the 7-th Adriatic International Conference on Nuclear Physics, Brioni, Yugoslavia, May 27-June 1, 1991, pp. 41-42 (Editors: R. Caplar, N. Cindro, A. Galimann, Zagreb-Strasbourg, May 1991).
- M. Debeauvais, J. C. Adloff, J. Ralarosy, S. Jokic, S S. Savovic, Z. Todorovic, M. Zamani, F.Fernandez, Correlation of three fragment processes with impact parameter in U+Ag at 15 MeV/n, In the Proceedings of the 7-th Adriatic International Conference on Nuclear Physics, Brioni, Yugoslavia, May 27-June 1, 1991, pp. 41-42 (Editors: R. Caplar, N. Cindro, A. Galimann, Zagreb-Strasbourg, May 1991).
Naučni radovi saopšteni na međunarodnim konferencijama objavljeni u knjizi apstrakata
- Savovic, B. Drljaca, A. Djordjevich, Unconditionally positive finite difference and standard finite difference schemes for advection-diffusion reaction equations, In the Book of Abstracts of the International Conference ACTA 2017: Approximation and Computation-Theory and Applications, November 30 – December 2, 2017, Belgrade, Serbia.
- Savovic, B. Drljaca, A. Djordjevich, Numerical solution of one-dimensional advection-diffusion equation with constant and periodic boundary conditions, In the Book of Abstracts of the International Conference ACTA 2017: Approximation and Computation-Theory and Applications, November 30 – December 2, 2017, Belgrade, Serbia.
- Savovic, Z. Todorovic, A. Djordjevich, B. Grabez, Time-scale analysis of three-fragment emission in the 12.7 GeV 4He+197Au reaction, In the Book of Abstracts of the 24-th International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids, August 31 – September 5, 2008, Bologna, Italy, p. 122.
- S. Savovic, A. Djordjevich, S. Jokic, Mass transfer during the reaction step that
- precedes fission in the 17.0 MeV/u 132Xe+238U interaction, In the Book of Abstracts of the 24-th International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids, August 31 – September 5, 2008, Bologna, Italy, p. 125.
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, D. Krstic, D. Nikezic, Finite difference solution of the diffusion equation describing the flow of radon through soil, In the Book of Abstracts of the 7th International Topical Meeting on Industrial Radiation and Radioisotope Measurement Application (IRRMA 7), Prague, Czech Republic, June 22-27, 2008, p. 169.
- Todorovic, S. Savovic, A. Djordjevich, Production of ternary events in 4He+U, Bi and Au reactions at 8.8 GeV, In the Book of Abstracts of the 23-rd International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids, September 11-15, 2006, Beijing, China, p. 104.
- Todorovic, S. Savovic, A. Djordjevich, M. Tanasijevic, Production of heavy fragments in the fission mass region in the 12C+U, Bi, Au and Ag reactions at 26.5 GeV, In the Book of Abstracts of the 22-nd International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids, August 23-27, 2004, Barcelona, Spain, p. 70.
- Todorovic, A. Djordjevich, S. Savovic, Measurement of cross sections of heavy fragments formed in the interaction of 0.65-12.7 GeV 4He with 209Bi, In the Book of Abstracts of the IMTC 2004-Instrumentation and Measurements Technology Conference, May 15-20, 2004, Como, Italy, pp. 2262-2267.
- Todorovic, S. Savovic, S. Jokic, B. Grabez, Heavy fragment production in 4He+ 232Th reactions at 0.65-12.7 GeV, In the Book of Abstracts of the 21-th International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids, October 21-25, 2002, New Delhi, India, p. 64.
- Todorovic, S. Savovic, S. Jokic, B. Grabez, Fission of Pb in the 4He induced reactions at 0.65-12.7 GeV, In the Book of Abstracts of the 20-th International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids, August 28-September 01, 2000, Portoroz, Slovenia, p. 46.
- G. d’Enterria, F. Fernandez, S. Jokic, S. Savovic, Ternary events measured with CR-39 in the 238U+197Au reaction, In the Book of Abstracts of the 19-th International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids, August 31-September 4, 1998, Besancon, France.
- Todorovic, S. Savovic, S. Jokic, Intermediate-mass fragment production in the 8.3 GeV 2H+Au reaction, In the Book of Abstracts of the 19-th International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids, August 31-September 4, 1998, Besancon, France.
- Z. Todorovic, S. Savovic, S. Jokic, Interaction of 12.7 GeV 4He ions with U, Pb, Au and Ag targets, In the Book of Abstracts of the 18-th International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids, September 1-5 1996, Cairo, Egypt.
- Todorovic, S. Savovic, S. Jokic, Time scale for three fragment emission in 12.7 GeV 4He+197Au reaction, In the Book of Abstracts of the 10-th General Conference of the EPS, Sevilla, Spain, September 9-13, 1996, p. 224.
- Todorovic, S. Savovic, S. Jokic, Production of fragments in 4He+197Au reaction at 12.7 GeV, In the Book of Abstracts of the 17-th International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids, Dubna, Russia, August 24-28, 1994, p. 167.
- Savovic, S. Jokic, Z. Todorovic, M. Zamani, D. Sampsonidis, M. Debeauvais, J. Ralarosy, F. Fernandez, Multifragment Emission in the Reaction of 238U on Ag at 15 MeV/nucleon, In the Book of Abstracts of the 9-th EPS Conference, Firenze, Italy, September 14-17, 1993, p. 138.
- M. Debeauvais, J. Ralarosy, J. C. Adloff, M. Zamani, F. Fernandez, S. Savovic, S. Jokic, Application of SSNTD in Nuclear physics and especially to the reaction 238U+Ag at 15 MeV/n, In the Book of Abstracts of the 16-th International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids, Beijing, China, September 7-11, 1992, p. 29.
Naučni radovi saopšteni na nacionalnihm konferencijama, objavljeni u zbornicima radova
- Drljaca, S. Savovic, S. Kuzmanovic, Influence of characteristics of launch beam distribution on bandwidth in step-index plastic optical fibers, In the Proceedings of the XII Congress of Physicists of Serbia, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia, April 28-May 03, 2013, pp. 316-319.
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, Influence of numerical aperture on mode coupling in step index plastic optical fibers, In the Proceedings of the XI Congress of Physicists of Serbia and Montenegro, Petrovac na moru, Serbia and Montenegro, June 03-06, 2004, pp. 2.14-2.20.
- Todorovic, S. Savovic, M. Tanasijevic, Production of light fragments in the 26.5 GeV 12C+U reactions, In the Proceedings of the XI Congress of Physicists of Serbia and Montenegro, Petrovac na moru, Serbia and Montenegro, June 03-06, 2004, pp. 5.157-5.160.
- Savovic, A. Djordjevich, Mode coupling in step index optical fibers, In the Proceedings of the XV Conference on Applied Mathematics – PRIM 2002, May 27-31, 2002, Zlatibor, Yugoslavia, pp. 79-86.
- Todorovic, S. Savovic, S. Jokic, Production of heavy fragments in interactions of 8.3 GeV deuterons with U, Bi, Pb and Au, In the Proceedings of the XII Yugoslav Conference on Nuclear Physics and Elemental Particles, September 17-19, 2001, Studenica, Yugoslavia, pp. 117-121.
- Z. Todorovic, S. Savovic, S. Jokic, Production of light fragments in the interaction of 4He+197Au at 12.7 GeV, In the Proceedings of the X Congress of Yugoslav Physicists, March 27-29, 2000, Vrnjacka Banja, Yugoslavia, pp. 417-420.
- Nikezic, D. Krstic, M. Kovacevic, D. Kostic, S. Savovic, Radiation situation in the area of Kragujevac during the NATO aggression. In the Proceedings of the XX Symposium of Yugoslav Society for Radiation Protection, Nov. 3-5, 1999, Tara, Yugoslavia, pp. 57-60.
- Savovic, S. Jokic, Z. Todorovic, Geometrical efficiency of a multidetector system determined by Monte-Carlo simulation, In the Proceedings of the XI Yugoslav Conference on Nuclear Physics and Elemental Particles, September 25-28, 1998, Studenica, Yugoslavia, pp. 85-88.
- Jokic, D. Vorkapic, B. Ivanisevic, A. Kelic, Z. Todorovic, S. Savovic, B. Botchev, M. Zamani, F. Fernandez, D. d'Enterria, G. Rudolf, K. Nakagawa, T. Nakagawa, G. Barreau, T.P. Doan, M.G. Itkis, E.M. Kozulin, N. Kondratiev, I.V. Pokrovsky, J. Itkis, E.V. Pokhorova, L. Krupa, Investigation of the fission before K-equilibration, In the Proceedings of the XI Yugoslav Conference on Nuclear Physics and Elemental Particles, September 25-28, 1998, Studenica, Yugoslavia, pp. 75-79.
- Todorovic, S. Savovic, S. Jokic, Binary fission of Th induced by 4He ions at 0.65-12.7 GeV, In the Proceedings of the XI Yugoslav Conference on Nuclear Physics and Elemental Particles, September 25-28, 1998, Studenica, Yugoslavia, pp. 80-84.
- [4. 11] Z. Todorovic, Savovic, S. Jokic, Fragmentation of U, Pb, Au and Ag induced by 12.7 GeV 4He ions, In the Proceedings of the X Yugoslav Conference on Nuclear Physics and Elemental Particles, September 26-28, 1996, Kopaonik, Yugoslavia, pp. 89-93.
- Z. Todorovic, S. Savovic, S. Jokic, Production of three fold events in 4He+197Au interactions at 12.7 GeV, In the Proceedings of the IX Congress of Yugoslav Physicists, May 29-31, 1995, Petrovac, Yugoslavia, pp. 573-576.
Publikacije u međunarodnim naučnim izvješajima
- Debeauvais, J. Ralarosy, M. Zamani, F. Fernandez, S. Savovic, S. Jokic, Emission of four correlated heavy fragments in the reaction 238U+Ag at 15 MeV/n: the sequential fission, GSI Internal Scientific Report 1992, 93-1, 1993, p. 16.
- Savovic, S. Jokic, Z. Todorovic, M. Zamani, D. Sampsonidis, M. Debeauvais, J. Ralarosy, F. Fernandez, Five-fragment emission in the reaction of 238U on Ag at 15 MeV/n, GSI Internal Scientific Report 1991, 92-1, 1992, p. 22.
- M. Debeauvais, J. C. Adloff, J. Ralarosy, S. Jokic, S. Savovic, Z. Todorovic, M. Zamani, F. Fernandez, Correlation of three fragment processes with impact parameter in U+Ag at 15 MeV/n, GSI Internal Scientific Report 1991, 92-1, 1992, p. 21.
Naučni radovi objavljeni u domaćim časopisima
- Drljaca, S. Jovanovic, S. Savovic, Calculation of the frequency response and bandwidth in low numerical aperture step-index plastic optical fiber using time dependent power flow equation, The University Thought – Publication in Natural Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2016, pp. 67-71.
- Caldwell, S. Savovic, Numerical solution of Stefan problem by variable space grid method and boundary immobilisation method, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol.13, No.1, 2002, pp. 67-79.
- Todorovic, S. Savovic, S. Jokic, Fragment correlations in 4He+197Au reaction at 12.7 GeV, Collection of Scientific Papers, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Kragujevac, No. 17, 1995, pp. 163-170.
- Savovic, S. Jokic, Geometrical Efficiency of the multidetector system evaluated by Monte-Carlo simulation, Collection of Scientific Papers, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Kragujevac, No. 14, 1993, pp. 45-50.
- Jokic, S. Savovic, Z. Todorovic, Calculation of the drift and diffusion coefficients of the Fokker-Planck equation for the system (15 MeV/n) U+Ag, Collection of Scientific Papers, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Kragujevac, No. 13 1992, pp. 35-38.
- S. Savovic, S. Jokic, Z. Todorovic, Application of Fokker-Planck Equation to system 238U+Ag at 15 MeV/n with 5-fragments in exit channel, Collection of Scientific Papers, Faculty of Natural Scienaces and Mathematics, Kragujevac, No. 12, 1991, pp. 87-94.