Akademik Prof. Dr. Mutlu Demiray

Akademik Prof. Dr.

Mutlu Demiray

Redovni Član





Mutlu Demiray rođen je u okrugu Acıpayam u Denizli, Turska. Nakon završenog osnovnog i srednjeg obrazovanja u Denizliju, završio je srednju školu u Izmir Atatürk. Nakon diplomiranja na Medicinskom fakultetu Univerziteta Akdeniz 1995. godine, završio je specijalizaciju iz interne medicine i medicinske onkologije na Medicinskom fakultetu Univerziteta Uludağ. U periodu od 2004-2006. radio je na Univerzitetu Uludag.

Nakon što je radio kao specijalista medicinske onkologije u Onkološkoj bolnici Ali Osman Sönmez, od  2006-2007, zatim u  bolnici  Medical Park Bursa  od 2007-2010,  pa onda u Urfa OSM Blisko-istočnoj bolnici od 2011-2013. godini, pridružio se Zdravstvenoj grupaciji Medicana od 2014. godine.

Pored medicinske onkologije,  glavna oblast kojoj se posvetio Prof. Dr. Mutlu Demiray je molekularna onkologija i personalizovano lečenje raka. Prije otprilike 7 godina, osmišlja personalizirane tretmane raka, zasnovane na sveobuhvatnom genomskom profiliranju. Nakon analize tumora na genomskoj osnovi, otkrivaju se njegovi molekularni putevi i liječenje raka prilagođeno svakom pacijentu. Personalizovana terapija podrazumeva izbor određenih terapijskih procedura prema genetskim osobinama pojedinca i svake vrste tumora, što treba postati dio standardne prakse.  Ovo doprinosi držanju ćelija kancera pod kontrolom uz pomoć dugoročnih terapija, uz mali broj nuspojava, što omogućava pacijentu duži životni vijek i komforniji život.

Prof. dr. Mutlu Demiray,  poznati svjetski medicinski onkolog iz Turske, ističe značaj genetskog testiranja. Svoju naučnu i profesionalnu karijeru razvija pod motom “Ne dajemo svima istu kemoterapiju na osnovu organa, već prvo testiramo vaš rak na molekularnom nivou, a zatim dizajniramo personalizirani tretman.”

Vizionarski znajući da se polje onkologije kreće prema personaliziranoj medicini,  da personalizirana medicina predstavlja budućnost liječenja raka, implementirao je prvi personalizirani centar za liječenje raka u bolnici Medicana Ataşehir, a kako bi postala standarnda realnost u bliskoj budućnosti. Radi u različitim međunarodnim komitetima za molekularni rak. Takođe radi kao konsultant na konsultantskoj platformi za međunarodne lekare o dizajnu liječenja, koje je zasnovano na genomskom profilisanju,  jer je cilj personalizacije medicine, bolje razumijevanje biologije i patologije tumora svakog pojedinog bolesnika.

Druga važna oblast za koju se interesuje Prof. Dr. Mutlu Demiray  je integrativna onkologija. Procjenjuje tradicionalne metode liječenja na molekularnom nivou i primjenjuje ih zajedno sa modernim tretmanima na najkorisniji način za svoje pacijente. Specijalizirao se za personaliziranu primjenu hipertermije, tretmana visokim dozama vitamina C i kurkumina zajedno s molekularnom onkologijom.

Prof. dr. Mutlu Demiray prepoznatljiv je član u naučnim  organizacijama:

  • ASCO American Society of Oncology
  • European Association for Cancer Research
  • ESHO – European Socienty of Hyperthermic Oncology
  • ASCO – American Society of Clinical Oncology
  • GHT – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hyperthermie e.V
  • Türk Tıbbi Onkoloji Derneği
Sažeti bibliografski podaci

Prof. Dr. Mutlu Demiray autor je 4 poglavlja u međunarodnim i nacionalnim knjigama, i urednik jednog prijevoda knjige:

  • Mutlu Demiray, Hormonska regulacija kod raka dojke, steroidni receptori i otpornost na hormonsku terapiju. Rak dojke. Urednici: Engin K, Çetintaş SK.  Knjižare Nobelove medicine, 2005. ISBN:975-420-416-0., str. 75-81.
  • Mutlu Demiray,  Lijekovi za kemoterapiju raka. Priručnik za kliničku onkologiju, Urednik: Osman Manavoğlu. Palme Publications. ISBN:975-8624-87-3,  str.48-96.
  • Mutlu Demiray,  Sarkomi. Priručnik za kliničku onkologiju, Urednik: Osman Manavoğlu. Palme Publications. ISBN:975-8624-87-3,  str. 349-363.
  • Mutlu Demiray, Murat Arslan. Nepoznate primarne metastaze. Priručnik za kliničku onkologiju, Urednik: Osman Manavoğlu. Palme Publications. ISBN:975-8624-87-3,  str. 381-399.
  • Mutlu Demiray, Vitamin C i rak,  Urednik prijevoda, ISBN: 978-605-171-921-4, Turska,  140 stranica, 2019.

Prof. Dr. Mutlu Demiray  autor i koautor je (23) rada u međunarodnim časopisima koji su indeksirani u SCI-EXP i drugim citiranim bazama, (26) radova koje je sopštio na međunarodnim kongresima i konferencijama, koji su štampani u zbornicima radova, (13) radova koji su objavljeni u nacionalnim indeksiranim časopisima, (16) naučnih radova koji su saopšteni na nacionalnim naučnim skupovima i objavljeni u zbornicima, i bio pozvani  govornik na međunarodnim naučnim skupovima (6):

 Naučni radovi objavljeni u međunarodnim indeksiranim časopisima:

  • Demiray M. Combinatorial Therapy of High Dose Vitamin C and PARP Inhibitors in DNA Repair Deficiency: A Series of 8 Patients. Integr Cancer Ther. 2020 Jan Dec;19:1534735420969812. doi: 10.1177/1534735420969812. PMID: 33150793.
  • Bahadori F, Demiray M. Management of extravasation of oxaliplatin by mimicking its biotransformation. Clin Transl Oncol. 2018 Oct;20(10):1353-1357. doi: 10.1007/ s12094-018-1854-z. Epub 2018 Apr 27. PMID: 29704231.
  • Sahinbas H, Rosch M, Demiray M. Temperature measurements in a capacitive system of deep loco-regional hyperthermia. Electromagn Biol Med. 2017;36(3):248-258. doi: 10.1080/15368378.2017.1307221. Epub 2017 Apr 27. PMID: 28448752.
  • Bahadori F, Demiray M. A Realistic View on “The Essential Medicinal Chemistry of Curcumin”. ACS Med Chem Lett. 2017 Sep 14;8(9):893-896. doi: 10.1021/ acsmedchemlett.7b00284. PMID: 28947929; PMCID: PMC5601379.
  • Demiray M, Sahinbas H, Atahan S, Demiray H, Selcuk D, Yildirim I, Atayoglu AT. Successful treatment of c-kit-positive metastatic Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma (ACC) with a combination of curcumin plus imatinib: A case report. Complement Ther Med. 2016 Aug;27:108-13. doi: 10.1016/j.ctim.2016.06.009. Epub 2016 Jul 1. PMID: 27515884.
  • Arican A, Bozkurt T, Bozcuk H, Demirkan B, Buyukberber S, Alkis N, Sanli UA, Camci C, Yildiz M, Yucel I, Uygun K, Aslay I, Demiray M, Bese NS, Isikdogan A, Bahat Z, Gemici C, Ozdemir F, Ozdener F, Pekin B. A cross-sectional survey of the diagnosis and management of bone metastasis in breast cancer patients in Turkey. Support Care Cancer. 2014 Oct;22(10):2629-34. doi: 10.1007/s00520-014-2253-9. Epub 2014 Apr 22. PMID: 24752566; PMCID: PMC4153980.
  • Demiray M, Ulukaya EE, Arslan M, Gokgoz S, Saraydaroglu O, Ercan I, Evrensel T, Manavoglu O. Response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer could be predictable by measuring a novel serum apoptosis product, caspase-cleaved cytokeratin 18: a prospective pilot study. Cancer Invest. 2006 Nov;24(7):669-76. doi: 10.1080/07357900600981307. PMID: 17118776.
  • Demiray M, Kurt E, Evrensel T, Kanat O, Arslan M, Saraydaroglu O, Ercan I, Gonullu G, Gokgoz S, Topal U, Tolunay S, Tasdelen I, Manavoglu O. Phase II study of gemcitabine plus paclitaxel in metastatic breast cancer patients with prior anthracycline exposure. Cancer Invest. 2005;23(5):386-91. doi: 10.1081/cnv-67133. PMID: 16193637.
  • Demiray M, Gulten M, Manavoglu O, Evrensel T, Ulukaya E, Yerci O, Kanat O, Kurt E, Arslan M, Gonullu G, Demiray H, Gulten T, Memik F. Evaluation of the effects of Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy on gastric antral epithelial hyperproliferation: a prospective six-month follow-up study. Hepatogastroenterology. 2004 Sep Oct;51(59):1531-5. PMID: 15362794.
  • Gulten T, Tokyay N, Demiray M, Gulten M, Ercan I, Evke E, Sardas S, Karakaya AE. The role of triple therapy, age, gender and smoking on the genotoxic effects of Helicobacter pylori infection. J Int Med Res. 2002 Jul-Aug;30(4):380-5.
  • Arslan M, Evrensel T, Kurt E, Demiray M, Ercan I, Kanat O, Ozkan A, Manavoglu O. Comparison of the serum erythropoietin levels in chemotherapy-naive and cisplatin-treated cancer patients. Neoplasma. 2005;52(1):43-5.
  • Arslan M, Evrensel T, Kurt E, Demiray M, Gonullu G, Kanat O, Manavoglu O. Comparison of clinical outcomes of different erythropoietin usage strategies. Tumori. 2004 Jul-Aug;90(4):394-8.
  • Kanat O, Evrensel T, Kurt E, Demiray M, Gonullu G, Arslan M, Manavoglu O. Treatment of metastatic pancreatic cancer with a combination of gemcitabine and 5- fluorouracil: a single center phase II study. Tumori. 2004 Mar-Apr;90(2):192-5.
  • Kanat O, Evrensel T, Manavoglu O, Demiray M, Kurt E, Gonullu G, Kiyici M, Arslan M. Single agent irinotecan as second-line treatment for advanced gastric cancer. Tumori. 2003 Jul-Aug;89(4): 405-7.
  • Kanat O, Adim S, Evrensel T, Yerci O, Ediz B, Kurt E, Demiray M, Gonullu G, Arslan M, Manavoglu O.Prognostic value of nm23 in gastrointestinal stromal tumors. Med Oncol. 2004; 21(1): 53-8.
  • Kurt E, Sezgin C, Evrensel T, Yalcinkaya U, Kanat O, Veral A, Demiray M, Arslan M, Karabulut M, Ercan I, Goker E, Manavoglu O. Therapy, outcome and analysis of c-kit expression in patients with extrapulmonary carcinoma Int J Clin Pract. 2005 May;59(5):537-43.
  • Kanat O, Evrensel T, Baran I, Coskun H, Zarifoglu M, Turan OF, Kurt E, Demiray M, Gonullu G, Manavoglu O. Protective effect of amifostine against toxicity of paclitaxel and carboplatin in non-small cell lung cancer: a single center randomized study. Med Oncol. 2003;20(3):237-45.
  • Kanat O, Evrensel T, Adim SB, Yavascaoglu I, Kurt E, Demiray M, Gonullu G, Manavoglu O. Small cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder. A clinicopathologic study of five cases. Tumori. 2003 MayJun;89(3):328-30.
  • Alper E, Gurel M, Evrensel T, Ozkocaman V, Akbunar T, Demiray M.99mTc-MIBI scintigraphy in untreated stage III multiple myeloma: comparison with X-ray skeletal survey and bone scintigraphy. Nucl Med Commun. 2003 May;24(5):537-42.
  • Kanat O, Evrensel T, Demiray M, Kurt E, Gonullu G, Arslan M, Manavoglu O, Ozkan A. Cisplatin plus etoposide in advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients age of 70 years or older. Lung Cancer. 2003 Aug;41(2):233-4.
  • Kanat O, Evrensel T, Kurt E, Arslan M, Demiray M, Aker S, Manavoglu O. Successful treatment of thymoma-associated erythroid hypoplasia and thrombocytopenia with paclitaxel. Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol). 2005 Feb;17(1):68.
  • Tasdelen I, Gokgoz S, Paksoy E, Yerci O, Cetintas SK, Demiray M, Samsa V. Acquired lymphangiectasis after breast conservation treatment for breast cancer: report of a case. Dermatol Online J. 2004 Jul 15;10(1):9.
  • Ozkan K, Turkkan E, Ender K, Mutlu D, Murat A, Nalan B, Abdulmecit Y, Osman M. 5-Fluorouracil, epirubicin and cisplatin in the treatment of metastatic gastric carcinoma: a retrospective analysis of 68 patients. Indian J Cancer. 2005 Apr-Jun;42(2):85-8.


Radovi saopšteni na međunarodnim naučnim skupovima i objavljeni u zbornicima:

  • Disel U, Kose F, Bilici A, Özgüroğlu M, Saglam S, Seker M, Aksoy S, Tek I, Eralp Y, Mandel NM, Demir G, Arslan C, Demiray M, Salepci T, Ozturk MA, Biricik FS, Temizas G, Fidan EG. Determine the impact of hybrid capture-based comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP) on the treatment strategies in patients with solid tumors: A national, multicenter, retrospective study. Journal of Clinical Oncology 38 (15_suppl), e13646- e13646. 2020/5/20.
  • Can Curcumin be Employed to Promote the Integration of Oncology and Natural Products? Demiray M, Bahadori F. Proceedings 2017, 1(10), 980. https://doi.org/ 10.3390/proceedings1100980
  • Sevim B. B. , Çerçi B. H. , Küçük Z., BAHADORİ F., Kazdal F., Eskandari Z., Tırıs G., DEMIRAY M. Optimization of a new controlled release oral dexketoprofen formulation. 24th World Nano Conference, Roma, İtalya, 07 May 2018, ss.1.
  • Demiray M. Can Curcumin overcome cancer chemoresistance. 5th International Meeting on Complementary & Alternative Medicine and Therapies September 18-19, 2017 Charlotte, USA
  • Demiray M. CURCUMIN: A potential new therapeutic option in Head & Neck Carcinoma. BIT's 10th Annual World Cancer Congress -2017 (WCC-2017) will be held on 19-21, May 2017 in Barcelona, Spain.
  • Demiray M, Sahinbas H. Hyperthermia , Chemotherapy and Curcumin treatment modality is safe and may be more effective strategy for cancer treatment. V. Hyperthermia Symposium Köln 3-4 october 2015.
  • Demiray M, Manavoglu O, Evrensel T, Tasdelen I, Tolunay S, Kurt E, Kanat O, Gonullu G. The response rates of two different dosages of epirubicin in neoadjuvant chemotherapy of locally advanced breast cancer: High dose vs low dose ? ASCO 2003 Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol 22: page 81, 2003 (abstr 322)
  • Demiray M, Gülten M, Kurt E, Evrensel T, Kanat O, Ulukaya E, Gonullu G, Manavoglu O. Relationship of Helicobacter Pylori status and gastric epithelial proliferation. 11th World Congress of surgeons&gastroenterologists, Hepato-Gastroenterology, 2001;48(suppl 1): p 108.
  • Demiray M, Kurt E, Gülten M, Evrensel T, Kanat O, Izgi B, Gonullu G, Manavoglu O.Relationship of Helicobacter Pylori status and serum selenium and malondialdehyde levels. 11th World Congress of surgeons&gastroenterologists, Hepato-Gastroenterology, 2001;48(suppl 1): p109.
  • Gonullu G, Kurt E, Evrensel T, Demiray M, Kanat O, Yilmazlar T, Manavoglu O. Our treatment results of rectum melanoma. 11th World Congress of surgeons&gastroenterologists, HepatoGastroenterology 2001;48(suppl 1): p144.
  • Gonullu G, Kurt E, Evrensel T, Kanat O, Demiray M, Yerci O, Manavoglu O Primary gastric lymphomas: Clinical features and results of therapy.. 11th World Congress of surgeons&gastroenterologists, Hepato-Gastroenterology 2001;48(suppl 1): p145.
  • Kanat O, Kurt E, Evrensel T, Demiray M, Gonullu G, Manavoglu O. Malignant gastrointestinal tumors: Clinical features and results of therapy. 11 t h Wo r l d C o n g r e s s o f surgeons&gastroenterologists, Hepato-Gastroenterology 2001;48(suppl 1): p142.
  • Kurt E, Kanat O, Evrensel T, Demiray M, Arslan M, Gonullu G, Manavoglu O. A phase II study of gemcitabine plus 5-fluorouracil in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer. 11th World Congress of surgeons&gastroenterologists, Hepato-Gastroenterology 2001;48(suppl 1): p132.
  • Kurt E, Evrensel T, Dilek K, Filiz G, Gonullu G, Kanat O, Arslan M, Demiray M, Manavoglu O. Effects of two different doses of recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO) on cisplatin-induced acute renal failure. Program/Proceedings, ASCO-Thirty Eighth Annual Meeting, May 18-21, 2002, Orlando, FL, P1842.
  • Arslan M, Kurt E, Evrensel T, Gonullu G, Kanat O, Demiray M, Ali R, Manavoglu O. Comparison of the serum erythropoietin levels in chemotherapy-naïve and cisplatin-treated cancer patients. 27th ESMO Congress, 18-22 October, 2002, Nice-France. P73.
  • T. Gulten, M. Demiray M, İ. Ercan, M.Gülten, R. Tokyay. Standart eradication therapy reduces the DNA damage in Helicobacter pylori infected patient. Eurosurgery 2000, İstanbul, 2000
  • Kurt E, Demiray M, Kanat O, Evrensel T, Arslan M, Gonullu G, Yilmazlar T, Manavoglu O. Gastrointestinal cancers associated with other primary cancers. 11th World Congress of surgeons&gastroenterologists, Hepato-Gastroenterology 2001;48(suppl 1): p133.
  • Gonullu G, Kurt E, Evrensel T, Kanat O, Demiray M, Tasdelen I, Manavoglu O. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer: Results of a single institute experience. 27th ESMO Congress, 18-22 October, 2002, Nice-France. P226.
  • Kanat O, Kurt E, Evrensel T, Demiray M, Ozkan A, Gonullu G, Manavoglu O. Fluorouracil, Epirubicin and Cisplatin (FEP) in locally advanced or metastatic gastric cancer. 12th World Congress of International Association of Surgeons&Gastroenterologists, October 30-November 2, 2002, Istanbul. PP339.
  • Gonullu G, Kurt E, Evrensel T, Kanat O, Demiray M, Manavoglu O. Clinical features and treatment result of gastrointestinal system (GIS) lymphoma. 12th World Congress of International Association of Surgeons&Gastroenterologists, October 30-November 2, 2002, Istanbul. PP353.
  • Gonullu G, Kurt E, Evrensel T, Demiray M, Kanat O, Manavoglu O. FEP regimen in the treatment of hepatocellular and biliary tract carcinoma. 12th World Congress of International Association of Surgeons&Gastroenterologists, October 30-November 2, 2002, Istanbul. PP348.
  • Gonullu G, Kurt E, Evrensel T, Kanat O, Demiray M, Arslan M, Kiyici M, Yilmazlar T, Manavoglu O. Second-Line 5-fluorourocil+folinic acid+irinotecan chemotherapy in colorectal cancer patients. 12th World Congress of International Association of Surgeons&Gastroenterologists, October 30November 2, 2002, Istanbul. PP347.
  • Tuna Gülten, Tokyay N, Demiray M, Ercan I, Evke E, Gülten M, Sardas S, Karakaya E.A. The role of age, gender and smoking on helicobacter pylori’s genetoxic effect and on the efficacy of the eradication therapy. Europan Human Genetics Conference 2000.
  • Yakut T, Demiray M, Çalışkan Z, Gülten T. HER2/neu gene amplification in muscle invasive bladder cancer; FISH analysis on paraffin-embedded specimens. EUROPEAN HUMAN GENETICS CONFERENCE 2005 Center, Prague, Czech Republic May 7 – 10, 2005. P0533.
  • Demiray M, Evrensel T, kanat O, Kurt E, Arslan M, Gokgoz S, Manavoglu O. Open labeled phase II observation study of gemcitabine plus cisplatin plus trastuzumab (GCT) in metastatic breast cancer patients with prior anthracyclines and taxanes exposures: Preliminary results. Journal of Clinical Oncology 24, no. 18_suppl (June 20, 2006) 10720-10720.
  • Camcı C, Demiray M, Szekely C, M.A Chavez-Zamudio, Kral A, Weitckus S, Soldatenkova V, Benhadji K. Effectiveness Of Taxane Monotherapy (TM) and Taxane combination (TC) treatment in patients with advanced breast cancer. Annals of Oncology 2010 vol 21 sump. 8.


Naučni radovi objavljeni u nacionalnim indeksiranim časopisima:

  • Demiray M, Evrensel T, Arslan M, Kanat O, Kurt E, , Saraydaroglu O, Ercan I, Gokgoz S, Topal U, Tolunay S, Tasdelen I, Manavoglu O. Phase II study of gemcitabine plus epirubicin plus paclitaxel in metastatic breast cancer patients. Turkish Journal Of Cancer 2005, Volume 35, Number 4, Page(s) 159-165.
  • Demiray M, Evrensel T, Kanat O, Kurt E, Arslan M, Saraydaroglu O, Ercan I, Gonullu G, Gokgoz S, Tolunay S, Gozkaman A, Akgul N, Tasdelen I, Manavoglu O. The Efficacy Of Two Different Dosages Of Epirubicin In Neoadjuvant Setting: Fec50 Vs Fec100.Preliminary Report. Turkish Journal Of Cancer 2005, Volume 35, Number 1, Page(s) 019-025.
  • Demiray M, Manavoğlu O. Helicobacter pylori ve gastrik karsinogenez. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 29 (2) 29-33, 2003.
  • Kurt E, Evrensel T, Dilek K, Gönüllü G, Kanat Ö, Demiray M, Arslan M, Ünlü Ö, Manavoğlu O. Cisplatin’e bağlı böbrek toksisitesi ve sentetik oral prostaglandin E1 analoğunun etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 28(2):17-20,2002.
  • Kanat Ö, Evrensel T, Kurt E, Demiray M, Arslan M, Gönüllü G, Babacan N, Yıldız A, Manavoğlu O. 5-Fluorouracil, epirubicin, and cisplatin (FEP) in the treatment of gastric carcinoma. Turkish Journal of cancer 2004, Volume 34, Number 3, Page(s) 122-126.
  • Kanat Ö, Evrensel T, Bayram S, Tolunay Ş, Kurt E, Demiray M, Gönüllü G, Kahvecioğlu S, Gebitekin C, Manavoğlu O. Timoma: On bir olgunun retrospektif analizi. Bursa Devlet Hastahanesi Bülteni 18(1): 19-23, 2002.
  • Gönüllü G, Erdoğan C, Evrensel T, Kurt E, Demiray M, Arslan M, Kanat Ö, Ursavaş A, Gözkaman A, Manavoğlu O. Vena kava süperior sendromunda endovasküler tedavi yönteminin etkinliği. Bursa Devlet Hastahanesi Bülteni 19(3): 139-143, 2004.
  • Gönüllü G, Evrensel T, Kurt E, Bayram S, Demiray M, Kanat Ö, Arslan M, Gözkaman A, Altundal Y, Manavoğlu O. Evre III Küçük hücreli dışı akciğer kanserinde (KHDAK) neoadjuvant gemsitabin ve sisplatin kombinasyonunun etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesi. Bursa Devlet Hastahanesi Bülteni 19(1): 31-34, 2004.
  • Kanat O, Evrensel T, Tolunay S, Demiray M, Gönüllü G, Kurt E, Manavoğlu O. Sclerosing mucoepidermoid carcinoma with eosinophilia of the thyroid gland: Description of a case and review of the literature. 2004, Volume 34, Number 3, Page(s) 122-126.
  • Kanat Ö, Evrensel T, Demiray M, Gönüllü G, Kurt E, Filiz G, Manavoğlu O. Uzun süreli tam remisyondaki küçük hücreli mesane karsinomlu olguda izole beyin metastazı. THOD 2003, vol 13, num 3 page(s): 153-156.
  • Kurt E, Evrensel T, Arslan M, Filiz G, Gönüllü G, Kanat Ö, Demiray M, Manavoğlu O. Eş zamanli olarak saptanan dört primer kanserli olgu. THOD 2002, Vol 12, Num 3 Page(s): 157-161.
  • Gönüllü G, Evrensel T, Kurt E, Kanat O, Demiray M, Arslan M, Yılmazlar S, Yalçın R, Adım Ş, Gözkaman A, Manavoğlu O. İntrakraniyal yerleşimli germ hücreli tümör olgusu. Bursa Devlet Hastanesi Bülteni 2004 19(2) s99-104.
  • Gönüllü G, Kurt E, Evrensel T, Adım Ş, Demiray M, Kanat O, Özgüç H, Manavoğlu O. Rektum kanseri ve cilt metastazı. Bursa Devlet Hastanesi Bülteni 2002 18(1) s57-62.


Naučni radovi saopšteni na nacionalnim naučnim skupovima i objavljeni u zbornicima:

  • Demiray M, Ulukaya E, Arslan M, Yılmaztepe A, Saraydaroğlu Ö, Gökgöz Ş, Evrensel T, Manavoğlu O. Serum apoptosis düzeyi meme kanserinin neoadjuvan kemoterapiye yanıtında markır olabilirmi? XVI. Ulusal Kanser Kongresi Antalya 2005.
  • Demiray M, Evrensel T, Gökgöz Ş, Arslan M, Saraydaroğlu Ö, Topal U, Taşdelen İ, Manavoğlu O.Neoadjuvan FEC ile Epirubisin+Dozetaksel kombinasyonlarının etkinliğinin karşılaştırılması: Prospektif Randomize çalışma. XVI. Ulusal Kanser Kongresi Antalya 2005.
  • Demiray M, Manavoğlu O, Evrensel T, Taşdelen İ, Tolunay Ş, Kurt E, Kanat O, Gönüllü G. Meme kanserinin neoadjuvan kemoterapisinde antrasiklin doz intensitesi cevabı etkiliyor mu? XV. Ulusal Kanser Kongresi Antalya, 2003.
  • Ediger D, Demiray M, Uzaslan E, Karadağ M, Yüksel EG, Özyardımcı N. Atipik pnömoni ile ortaya çıkan yaygın değişken immune yetmezlik sendromu olgusu. 25. Yıl Akciğer Günleri 2000.  
  • Demiray M, Evrensel T, Kanat O, Gebitekin C, Kurt E, Gönüllü G, Demiray H, Manavoğlu O. Sistemik Sitotoksik ve non-sitotoksik tedavi ile cevap alınan desmoid tümör olgusu. Ulusal Kanser kongresi Antalya 2003 Bildiri Özetleri S177 (P1501).
  • Demiray M, Demiray H, evrensel T, Kurt E, Kanat Ö, Gönüllü G, Akıncıoğlu Ç, Akbunar T, Manavoğlu O. Meme kanserindeki kemik metastazlarında alkalen fosfatazın prediktif değeri. Ulusal Kanser kongresi Antalya 2003 Bildiri Özetleri S134 (P362).
  • Süleymanlar İ, Altınayak R, Demiray M, Özben T, Işıtan F. Kronik karaciğer hastalıklarında parankim hasarının göstergesi olarak plazma fibronektin düzeyi. XI. Ulusal Türk gastroenteroloji Kongresi 1994 Antalya.
  • Kanat Ö, Kurt E, Evrensel T, Arslan M, Gönüllü G, Demiray M, Manavoğlu O. NSCLC olgularında sekond line kemoterapi sonuçlarımız. Ulusal Kanser kongresi İstanbul 2001 Bildiri Özetleri S74 (SB10).
  • Gönüllü G, Evrensel T, Kurt E, Kanat O, Demiray M, Arslan M, Manavoğlu O. Lokal ileri meme kanserinde primer kemoterapi sonuçlarımız. Ulusal Kanser kongresi İstanbul 2001 Bildiri Özetleri S118 (PO-1ME).
  • Kurt E, arslan M, Evrensel T, Demiray M, Kanat O, Gönüllü G, Manavoğlu O. Multipl primer kanserli hastalarımızın analizi. Ulusal Kanser kongresi İstanbul 2001 Bildiri Özetleri S131 (PO-4).
  • Evrensel T, Kanat O, Kurt E, Gönüllü G, Demiray M, Manavoğlu O. Primer gastrik lenfomalı hastalarımızın analizi. Ulusal Kanser kongresi İstanbul 2001 Bildiri Özetleri S186 (PO-5).
  • Evrensel T, Kurt E, Kanat O, Gönüllü G, Demiray M, Arslan M, Yılmazlar T, Öztürk H, Manavoğlu O. Primer karaciğer lenfoması: Vaka sunumu. Ulusal Kanser kongresi İstanbul 2001 Bildiri Özetleri S186 (PO-5).
  • Kanat O, evrensel T, Özkan A, Demiray M, Kurt E, Gönüllü G, Manavoğlu O. Yetmiş yaş üzeri küçük hücreli dışı akciğer kanserli olgulada cisplatin ve etoposide kombinasyon tedavisinin etkinliği. Ulusal Kanser kongresi Antalya 2003 Bildiri Özetleri S23 (P004).
  • Demircan C, Evrensel T, Özkan L, Ursavaş A, Özkan A, Özcan V, Kurt E, Gönüllü G, Demiray M, Manavoğlu O. Acil servise başvuran akciğer kanserli hastaların analizi. Ulusal Kanser kongresi Antalya 2003 Bildiri Özetleri S32 (P033).
  • Gönüllü G, Kurt E, Evrensel T, Kanat O, Demiray M, Arslan M, Gözkaman A, Manavoğlu O. Mide kanserinde second-line irinotekan monoterapisi: Klinik sonuçlarımız. Ulusal Kanser kongresi Antalya 2003 Bildiri Özetleri S83 (P192).
  • Kanat O, Evrensel T, Demiray M, Balaban Adım Ş, vuruşkan H, Kurt E, Gönüllü G, Manavoğlu O. Olgu sunumu: Renal hemanjioperisitoma. Ulusal Kanser kongresi Antalya 2003 Bildiri Özetleri S177 (P1500).


Pozvani govornik na međunarodnim naučnim skupovima:

  • BIT's 10th Annual World Cancer Congress -2017 (WCC-2017) will be held on 19-21, May 2017 in Barcelona, Spain.
  • MODERNE ONKOLOGIE INTENSIV-SCHULUNG Curcumin- , Vit. C-Hochdosis und weitere i.v. in Kombination mit Hyperthermie und Chemotherapie/Bestrahlung Termin: Samstag 7. November 2015 Ort: Hotel Erzgiesserei Europe, Erzgiessereistraße 15, 80335 München
  • 5. Kongress Für komplementäre krebstherapie Ergebnisse der kombinierten Chemo-Curcumin-Therapie bei diversen ontologischen Erkrankungen.
  • MODERNE ONKOLOGIE INTENSIV-SCHULUNG Curcumin- , Vit. C-Hochdosis und weitere i.v. in Kombination mit Hyperthermie und Chemotherapie/Bestrahlung Termin: Sa, 21. Februar 2015 Ort: Mercure Hotel Bochum City, Massenbergstraße 19-21, 44787 Bochum.
  • Annual Congress of the Korean Photodynamic Association Curcumin and Cancer lecture August 29, 2015.
  • Tumor Agnostic Era and personalized medicine (Roche sponsored) (Georgia, 2018 July).

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